Interview with Cafe Locked Out – 19/6/2024

Warrior Wade and MGG, talk about our greatest enemy, Active Indifference.

Wade Northausen has been a battering ram for his truth, and currently Café Locked Out, is not only in a ten year FB Gulag, but you can’t find us on Google. So why do we both persist?

But just to back up, has the Government convinced Google and the other platforms to silence us?
If so, why?

What are we doing, we, who refuse to be silent, that warrants such a degree of censorship, and then why, and this is the biggest why, do most people not care . . . at all?

To be honest, if all those who were prominent in the freedom movement had been eradicated, would you care? Would you speak out about it?

Or would we only exist now in the secret conversations, people have between ones they truly trust?
What do you think happened to them?

What did they do?
Shush, it’s best not to discuss such things, let’s just sing, Advance Australia Fair.